2023-12-06 16:46:43 +01:00

3.3 KiB

Brief for a private web3-services: please, follow general requirements to be highlighted on The Web3Privacy now platform.

How it works:

  1. You fill a brief.
  2. Our team reviews application.
  3. Verified data will be published at The Web3Privacy now platform.

Basic info

Request Data point
Project name add here
Logotype add here
Short project description (1 sentence) add here
Launch date add here
Is it open source? specify here
Website add here
Github add here

Optional info


Request Data point
Do you have a token add here Coingecko link


Request Data point
Blog add link
Twitter (X) add link
Telegram add link
Discord add link
Other add link


Request Data point
Docs add link
Whitepaper add link
Litepaper add link


Request Data point
Is your team anon or public choose one: anon, public
List core contributors Github links


Request Data point
How are you funded self-funded, VC, donations, mixed
List VCs backing you if aplicable
List VCs round if aplicable: pre-seed, seed, Series A, B,C
Raised money add a public link


Request Data point
What licence is in use add link to Github repo


Request Data point
Technical specialisation specify: ZK, account abstraction, mixnet etc
Specify technology readiness infra: testnet/mainnet, apps: MVP/beta/alpha
Features list 3 key tech features
Encryption method if aplicable: specify


Request Data point
Is it peer-to-peer yes/no
Complience yes/no
KYC yes/no
Privacy policy add link
Collected data specify what data do you collect
Data sharing specify what data you share with third-parties
Sign-in requirments specify what data is needed to start using service
Identity integrations do you use third-party identity services (like ENS, Gitcoin Passport etc)


Request Data point
Asset custody specify
Upgradability specify
Social dependency team, CEO
Third-parties dependency specify
Technical dependency specify: Ethereum, ZK etc
Have you been audited by a third-party yes/no
What company audited specify (one &/or many)
When you were audited date: D/M/Y (one &/or many)
Add links to the audits here

Roadmap (technical)

Request Data point
When product had been launched specify test-net (infra), MVP (dApp): date D/M/Y
When mainnet, beta had been launched specify main-net (infra), alpha (dApp): date D/M/Y