
5.2 KiB

Scoring model Framework update

Applied scoring approach


Project GitHub Product-readiness Team Docs Audit Score
Test project available & active GitHub / not (25%) Live or 🚧 (exclusion criteria) public team / not (25%) available & not marketing docs / not (25%) available & up to date third-party audit / not (25%) total
score 25% 🚧 25% 25% 25% from 0% to 100%

MVP with personal information concern

Project GitHub Product-readiness Personal information Team Docs Audit Score
Test project available & contentful & active GitHub / not (20%) Live or 🚧 (exclusion criteria) personal information hidden & not (20%) public team / not (20%) available & techno-instructive docs / not (20%) available & up to date third-party audit / not (20%) total
score 20% 🚧 20% 20% 20% 20% from 0% to 100%


Project GitHub Product-readiness Team Docs Audit Contributors Licenses Support Score
Test project available & active GitHub / not (25%) Live or 🚧 (exclusion criteria) public team / not (25%) available & not marketing docs / not (25%) available & up to date third-party audit / not (25%) external contributors outside of the team members What licenses are in use Some form of support available? (telegram, discord, forum) from 0 to 100%
score 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 100%

How to use

Project GitHub Product-readiness Personal information Team Docs Audit Score
Test Project 1. Exist. 2. Active (last 6 months). 3. Continuous commits. 4. Containing codes and scripts. 1. Live project (main-net, Beta). 2. Accessible app or user interface. 1. Anonymous account handler. 2. Real IP hidden. Public team 1. Exist. 2. Dev-centric and instructive. 1. Exist. 2. Up to date (last 6 months). 3. Complex.
score 20% 🚧 20% 20% 20% 20% from 0% to 100%

How to use (Extended)

Project GitHub Product-readiness Team Docs Audit Contributors Licenses Support Score
Test project 1. Exist. 2. Active (last 6 months). 3. Lots of commits (not fake). 1. Live (main-net, Beta). Public team 1. Exist. 2. Dev-centric. 1. Exist. 2. Up to date (last 6 months). 3. Complex. External contributors Open-source licenses in use Availbale from 0 to 100%
score 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 100%

Red flag examples

Poor GitHub

🚩 alt text

Personal information required for enabling account

alt text

Outdated Audit

🚩_check_: date; result: outdated (1 year+) alt text

Marketing docs

🚩_check_: language (verbal & visual), if it's for developers & how complex (# of pages) it is; result: marketing - non-technical alt text

alt text


🚩_check_: the last updates; result: inactive since 2021 alt text

alt text


🚩_check_: public team; result: anon alt text


alt text