explorer/Web3privacynowplatform/scoringmodel/Scoring 1.2 community reflection.md

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2023-12-06 16:46:43 +01:00
# Community feedback x our Scoring model 1.2 version.
**Main goal**: to have an MVP on how non-techies could analyze if the project is private or not (think of "IMDB" or "L2beat" for privacy)
**Sub-goal**: to have a more objective scoring model made in collaboration with the privacy community.
- _Persona_: a web3 casual user without dev knowledge & privacy illiterate. He/she/they has limited time for research & needs to perform simple steps to ensure that service is private.
- _Assessment categories_: we broke down analytics flow into 2 main categories: validity track (quick check-up) & DYOR (do your own research that requires more time & subjective opinion).
# Sandbox: DeFi category that has been analyzed
**How to use sandbox?**
1. Read takeaways.
2. Give us feedback via general comments in the Community on [Signal](https://chat.web3privacy.info/) or make a Pull request here.
3. You can always explore 38 DeFi project' assessment [here](https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy/blob/main/Web3privacynowplatform/scoringmodel/DeFi%20category%20prototype.md)
# Scoring model 1.2: validity track
_Validity track covers GitHub, Product-readiness, Team, Docs, Audit._
**Note**: quick assessment helps to decrease privacy dark patterns from obscure language to test-net claiming it has a "state of art privacy".
![alt text](https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy/blob/main/Web3privacynowplatform/scoringmodel/staticobjects/Scoring%201.2%20validity%20track.png?raw=true)
We use % as a simplified way to prototype scoring model (from % to 100%). Later versions will include a mixmodel of %, yes/no assumptions & much complex observations.
![alt text](https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy/blob/main/Web3privacynowplatform/scoringmodel/staticobjects/Scroing%201.2%20validity%20track%20breakdown.png?raw=true)
# Practical examples
## 100% scoring
| Project | GitHub | Product-readiness | Team | Docs | Audit | Score |
| ------------- |------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| [RAILGUN](https://railgun.org) | [Github](https://github.com/Railgun-Community) | live | ([Public](https://railgun.org/#/contributors)) | [Docs](https://docs.railgun.org/developer-guide/cookbook/cookbook-overview) | [5 audits](https://assets.railgun.org/docs/audits/) | 100% |
## 0% scoring
| Project | GitHub | Product-readiness | Team | Docs | Audit | Score |
| ------------- |------------- |------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |
| [Sienna Network](https://sienna.network) | 🚩`LOW` ([GitHub](https://github.com/SiennaNetwork)) | 🚧 | anon | [Docs](https://docs.sienna.network/main/) | 🚩 2022: [9 audits](https://sienna.network/audits/) | 0% |
| [Silent protocol](https://www.silentprotocol.org) | - | 🚧 | anon | - | - | 0% |
| [Common](https://common.fi) | - | 🚧 | anon | - | - | 0% |
| [CIA protocol](https://ciaprotocol.com) | - | 🚧 | anon | - | - | 0% |
38 projects from the privacy x DeFi category were scored [here](https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy/blob/main/Web3privacynowplatform/scoringmodel/DeFi%20category%20prototype.md)
# **Red flag examples**
## **Poor GitHub**
![alt text](https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy/blob/main/Web3privacynowplatform/scoringmodel/staticobjects/Poor%20Github%20(Hurricane%20protocol).png?raw=true)
## **Outdated Audit**
🚩check: date; _result_: outdated (1 year+)
![alt text](https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy/blob/main/Web3privacynowplatform/scoringmodel/staticobjects/Outdated%20audits%20(DeFiner%20Protocol).png?raw=true)
## **Marketing docs**
🚩check: language (verbal & visual), if it's for developers & how complex (# of pages) it is; _result_: marketing - non-technical
<img src="https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy/blob/main/Web3privacynowplatform/scoringmodel/staticobjects/Marketing%20docs%20(ShadeCash).png" width="600"/>
<img src="https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy/blob/main/Web3privacynowplatform/scoringmodel/staticobjects/Marketing%20docs2%20(ShadeCash).png" width="700"/>
## **Sunset**
🚩check: the last updates; _result_: inactive since 2021
<img src="https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy/blob/main/Web3privacynowplatform/scoringmodel/staticobjects/Sunset%20(Coinbook).png" width="600"/>
![alt text](https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy/blob/main/Web3privacynowplatform/scoringmodel/staticobjects/Sunset2%20(Coinbook).png?raw=true)
## **Team**
🚩check: public team; _result_: anon
<img src="https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy/blob/main/Web3privacynowplatform/scoringmodel/staticobjects/Anon%20team%20(CIT%20Protocol).png" width="600"/>
# **Summary**
![alt text](https://github.com/web3privacy/web3privacy/blob/main/Web3privacynowplatform/scoringmodel/staticobjects/Red%20flag%20summary.png?raw=true)