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After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.5 KiB |
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
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<path d="M8.0018 3.93746V10.4375L10.6268 12.0416L9.9393 9.04163L12.2518 7.04163L9.21014 6.77079L8.0018 3.93746ZM8.0018 12.3958L4.54347 14.4791C4.39069 14.5763 4.23097 14.618 4.0643 14.6041C3.89764 14.5902 3.7518 14.5347 3.6268 14.4375C3.5018 14.3402 3.40458 14.2187 3.33514 14.0729C3.26569 13.927 3.2518 13.7638 3.29347 13.5833L4.21014 9.64579L1.14764 6.99996C1.00875 6.87496 0.921942 6.7326 0.88722 6.57288C0.852497 6.41315 0.862914 6.2569 0.91847 6.10413C0.974025 5.95135 1.05736 5.82635 1.16847 5.72913C1.27958 5.6319 1.43236 5.5694 1.6268 5.54163L5.66847 5.18746L7.23097 1.47913C7.30041 1.31246 7.40805 1.18746 7.55389 1.10413C7.69972 1.02079 7.84903 0.979126 8.0018 0.979126C8.15458 0.979126 8.30389 1.02079 8.44972 1.10413C8.59555 1.18746 8.70319 1.31246 8.77264 1.47913L10.3351 5.18746L14.3768 5.54163C14.5712 5.5694 14.724 5.6319 14.8351 5.72913C14.9462 5.82635 15.0296 5.95135 15.0851 6.10413C15.1407 6.2569 15.1511 6.41315 15.1164 6.57288C15.0817 6.7326 14.9949 6.87496 14.856 6.99996L11.7935 9.64579L12.7101 13.5833C12.7518 13.7638 12.7379 13.927 12.6685 14.0729C12.599 14.2187 12.5018 14.3402 12.3768 14.4375C12.2518 14.5347 12.106 14.5902 11.9393 14.6041C11.7726 14.618 11.6129 14.5763 11.4601 14.4791L8.0018 12.3958Z" fill="#909090"/>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 1.3 KiB |
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
<svg width="22" height="17" viewBox="0 0 22 17" fill="none" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg">
<path d="M16.0031 17C15.7198 17 15.4823 16.9042 15.2906 16.7125C15.099 16.5208 15.0031 16.2833 15.0031 16V13C15.0031 12.7167 15.099 12.4792 15.2906 12.2875C15.4823 12.0958 15.7198 12 16.0031 12V11C16.0031 10.45 16.199 9.97917 16.5906 9.5875C16.9823 9.19583 17.4531 9 18.0031 9C18.5531 9 19.024 9.19583 19.4156 9.5875C19.8073 9.97917 20.0031 10.45 20.0031 11V12C20.2865 12 20.524 12.0958 20.7156 12.2875C20.9073 12.4792 21.0031 12.7167 21.0031 13V16C21.0031 16.2833 20.9073 16.5208 20.7156 16.7125C20.524 16.9042 20.2865 17 20.0031 17H16.0031ZM17.0031 12H19.0031V11C19.0031 10.7167 18.9073 10.4792 18.7156 10.2875C18.524 10.0958 18.2865 10 18.0031 10C17.7198 10 17.4823 10.0958 17.2906 10.2875C17.099 10.4792 17.0031 10.7167 17.0031 11V12ZM11.0031 10.2C10.2531 10.2 9.61563 9.9375 9.09063 9.4125C8.56563 8.8875 8.30313 8.25 8.30313 7.5C8.30313 6.75 8.56563 6.1125 9.09063 5.5875C9.61563 5.0625 10.2531 4.8 11.0031 4.8C11.7531 4.8 12.3906 5.0625 12.9156 5.5875C13.4406 6.1125 13.7031 6.75 13.7031 7.5C13.7031 8.25 13.4406 8.8875 12.9156 9.4125C12.3906 9.9375 11.7531 10.2 11.0031 10.2ZM11.0031 15C8.76979 15 6.68229 14.4 4.74063 13.2C2.79896 12 1.35313 10.3833 0.403125 8.35C0.336458 8.21667 0.286458 8.07917 0.253125 7.9375C0.219792 7.79583 0.203125 7.65 0.203125 7.5C0.203125 7.35 0.219792 7.20417 0.253125 7.0625C0.286458 6.92083 0.336458 6.78333 0.403125 6.65C1.35313 4.61667 2.79896 3 4.74063 1.8C6.68229 0.6 8.76979 0 11.0031 0C12.1865 0 13.3156 0.1625 14.3906 0.4875C15.4656 0.8125 16.4781 1.28333 17.4281 1.9C18.1448 2.36667 18.8073 2.90417 19.4156 3.5125C20.024 4.12083 20.5615 4.8 21.0281 5.55C21.2281 5.86667 21.2323 6.1875 21.0406 6.5125C20.849 6.8375 20.5615 7 20.1781 7H18.0031C17.5365 7 17.0948 7.05833 16.6781 7.175C16.2615 7.29167 15.8698 7.45833 15.5031 7.675V7.5C15.5031 6.25 15.0656 5.1875 14.1906 4.3125C13.3156 3.4375 12.2531 3 11.0031 3C9.75313 3 8.69063 3.4375 7.81563 4.3125C6.94063 5.1875 6.50313 6.25 6.50313 7.5C6.50313 8.75 6.94063 9.8125 7.81563 10.6875C8.69063 11.5625 9.75313 12 11.0031 12C11.3698 12 11.724 11.9583 12.0656 11.875C12.4073 11.7917 12.7281 11.675 13.0281 11.525C13.0115 11.6083 13.0031 11.6875 13.0031 11.7625V13.9C13.0031 14.1667 12.9198 14.4 12.7531 14.6C12.5865 14.8 12.3698 14.9167 12.1031 14.95C11.9198 14.9667 11.7365 14.9792 11.5531 14.9875C11.3698 14.9958 11.1865 15 11.0031 15Z" fill="#909090"/>
After Width: | Height: | Size: 2.4 KiB |
Normal file
After Width: | Height: | Size: 210 KiB |
@ -1,26 +1,34 @@
import * as config from "../config.yaml";
import * as config from '../config.yaml';
import core from "../core.json";
import core from '../core.json';
import contributors from "../contributors.json";
import contributors from '../contributors.json';
import { getPersonByGH } from "../lib/core.js";
import { getPersonByGH } from '../lib/core.js';
import PeopleCarousel from "../components/PeopleCarousel.astro";
import PeopleCarousel from '../components/PeopleCarousel.astro';
function findPerson(src) {
function findPerson(src) {
const p = core.people.find(p => src.refs?.twitter ? p.refs?.twitter === src.refs.twitter : (src.refs?.bsky ? p.refs.bsky === src.refs.bsky : {}))
const p = core.people.find((p) =>
if (p) {
p.ct = src
? p.refs?.twitter === src.refs.twitter
: src.refs?.bsky
return p
? p.refs.bsky === src.refs.bsky
: {}
if (p) {
p.ct = src;
return p;
function personLink(person) {
function personLink(person) {
return person.refs?.twitter ? `https://twitter.com/${person.refs.twitter}` : (person.refs?.bsky ? `https://bsky.app/profile/${person.refs.bsky}` : '#')
return person.refs?.twitter
? `https://twitter.com/${person.refs.twitter}`
: person.refs?.bsky
? `https://bsky.app/profile/${person.refs.bsky}`
: "#";
<div class="mt-20">
<!-- <div class="mt-20">
<h1><a href="https://docs.web3privacy.info/follow-us">Follow us</a></h1>
<h1><a href="https://docs.web3privacy.info/follow-us">Follow us</a></h1>
<div class="w3pn-wgrid">
<div class="w3pn-wgrid">
{config.landing.follow.map((item) => (
{config.landing.follow.map((item) => (
@ -43,39 +51,65 @@ function personLink(person) {
</div> -->
<div class="mt-16">
<div class="mt-16">
<h1><a href="https://docs.web3privacy.info/get-involved">Join the Community</a></h1>
<a href="https://docs.web3privacy.info/get-involved">Join the Community</a>
<h2 class="my-6">Speakers</h2>
<h2 class="my-6">Speakers</h2>
<div class="flex gap-3 flex-wrap items-center">
<div class="flex gap-3 flex-wrap items-center">
{core.people.filter(p => !core.teams['core-team'].includes(p.id)).filter(p => p.imageUrl).map((person) => (
<a href={personLink(person)}>
.filter((p) => !core.teams["core-team"].includes(p.id))
<img src={person.imageUrl} title={person.name} class="w-14 rounded-full aspect-square" />
.filter((p) => p.imageUrl)
.map((person) => (
<a href={personLink(person)}>
class="w-14 rounded-full aspect-square"
<div class="flex gap-3 lg:gap-6 pt-4 flex-wrap mt-4 mb-14">
<div class="flex gap-3 lg:gap-6 pt-4 flex-wrap mt-4 mb-14">
<a href={core.links.cfp} class="button inverted"><button>Submit your proposal (CfP)</button></a>
<a href={core.links.cfp} class="button inverted"
><button>Submit your proposal (CfP)</button></a
<h2 class="my-6">Git Contributors</h2>
<div class="flex gap-3 flex-wrap mb-4 items-center">
// filter(p => !core.teams['core-team'].includes(getPersonByGH(p.login)?.id))
contributors.items.map((contrib) => (
<a href={contrib.html_url} target="_blank" title={contrib.login}>
class="w-14 rounded-full aspect-square"
<h2 class="my-6">Git Contributors</h2>
<div class="flex gap-4 lg:gap-6 pt-4 flex-wrap">
<div class="flex gap-3 flex-wrap mb-4 items-center">
<a href={core.links.telegram} class="button inverted"
{ // filter(p => !core.teams['core-team'].includes(getPersonByGH(p.login)?.id))
contributors.items.map((contrib) => (
<a href={core.links.signal} class="button inverted"
<div><a href={contrib.html_url} target="_blank" title={contrib.login}><img src={contrib.avatar_url} class="w-14 rounded-full aspect-square"></a></div>
<a href={core.links.matrix} class="button inverted"
><button>matrix hub</button></a
<div class="flex gap-4 lg:gap-6 pt-4 flex-wrap">
<a href="https://docs.web3privacy.info/get-involved" class="button inverted"><button>Get involved</button></a>
<a href="/leaderboard" class="button inverted"><button>Leaderboard</button></a>
<a href="https://docs.web3privacy.info/donate/" class="button inverted"><button>Donate</button></a>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
interface Props {
title: string;
subtext?: string;
variant?: "primary" | "secondary";
const { title, subtext, variant = "primary" } = Astro.props;
class={`border-2 border-white w-full p-[24px] relative text-[1.2rem] ${
variant === "secondary" ? "border-dashed border-[#909090]" : ""
class={`absolute bg-black z-10 top-[-20px] px-[12px] uppercase text-[1.2rem] ${variant === "secondary" ? "text-[#909090]" : "text-white"} font-bold`}
<slot />
subtext && (
<div class="px-[34px] py-[16px]">
<div class="flex gap-[22px] items-start h-full justify-center mb-[12px]">
class="inline-block min-h-full w-[1rem] self-start"
<span class="text-[1rem] leading-[1rem]">{subtext}</span>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
import AboutItem from "../components/AboutItem.astro";
subtext="For all of them we are building private platform to discuss and build privavy tooling and research"
<div class="w-full grid grid-cols-2">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[8px] text-white font-bold">
<span> General public </span>
<span> Projects </span>
<span> Startupers</span>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[8px] text-white font-bold">
<span> Developers </span>
<span> Audit companies </span>
<span> Investors</span>
subtext="We need to create activation points, that will push community around privacy forward and establish new connections"
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[8px] items-start">
<div class="flex gap-[12px] md:items-center items-start w-full">
<img src="/icons/query_stats.svg" class="inline-block" />
class="flex md:flex-row flex-col md:items-center md:gap-[12px] w-full"
class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] w-full max-w-[110px]"
Market stats
<span class="md:block hidden">-</span>
<span class="text-[1rem] w-full">
Like Crunchbase, but free forever
<div class="flex gap-[12px] md:items-center items-start w-full">
<img src="/icons/star_half.svg" class="inline-block" />
class="flex md:flex-row flex-col md:items-center md:gap-[12px] w-full"
class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] w-full max-w-[140px]"
Privacy Ranking
<span class="md:block hidden">-</span>
<span class="text-[1rem] w-full">
Scoring and review of current privacy projects
<div class="flex gap-[12px] md:items-center items-start w-full">
<img src="/icons/school.svg" class="inline-block" />
class="flex md:flex-row flex-col md:items-center md:gap-[12px] w-full"
<span class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] w-fit max-w-[140px]">
<span class="md:block hidden">-</span>
<span class="text-[1rem] w-full"
>Education for general public how to reach privacy
<div class="flex gap-[12px] md:items-center items-start w-full">
<img src="/icons/experiment.svg" class="inline-block" />
class="flex md:flex-row flex-col md:items-center md:gap-[12px] w-full"
<span class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] w-fit max-w-[140px]">
<span class="md:block hidden">-</span>
<span class="text-[1rem] w-full">
Anual reports, Frameworks, Tools, Books
<div class="flex gap-[12px] md:items-center items-start w-full">
<img src="/icons/database.svg" class="inline-block" />
class="flex md:flex-row flex-col md:items-center md:gap-[12px] w-full"
<span class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] w-fit max-w-[140px]">
<span class="md:block hidden">-</span>
<span class="text-[1rem] w-full"
>For Projects, Use-case list, Market & Funding info
subtext="With all of that we want to focus everybody more in web3 related privacy issues, those are our estimates and long-term goals"
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[8px] items-start">
<div class="flex gap-[12px] md:items-center items-start w-full">
<img src="/icons/visibility_lock.svg" class="inline-block" />
class="flex md:flex-row flex-col md:items-center md:gap-[12px] w-full"
<span class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] w-fit">
<span class="md:block hidden">-</span>
<span class="text-[1rem] w-full">
Branding “decentralization = privacy”
<div class="flex gap-[12px] md:items-center items-start w-full">
<img src="/icons/calendar_today.svg" class="inline-block" />
class="flex md:flex-row flex-col md:items-center md:gap-[12px] w-full"
<span class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] w-fit">
<span class="md:block hidden">-</span>
<span class="text-[1rem] w-full">
Meetups, Summits, Hackathons, Camps
<div class="flex gap-[12px] md:items-center items-start w-full">
<img src="/icons/group_work.svg" class="inline-block" />
class="flex md:flex-row flex-col md:items-center md:gap-[12px] w-full"
class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] w-full max-w-[220px]"
Ecosystems collaboration
<span class="md:block hidden">-</span>
<span class="text-[1rem] w-full"> Networks, Alliances, Media </span>
<div class="flex gap-[12px] md:items-center items-start w-full">
<img src="/icons/encrypted.svg" class="inline-block" />
class="flex md:flex-row flex-col md:items-center md:gap-[12px] w-full"
<span class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] w-fit max-w-[140px]">
<span class="md:block hidden">-</span>
<span class="text-[1rem] w-full">
Privacy-features, security audit (example)
<div class="flex gap-[12px] md:items-center items-start w-full">
<img src="/icons/local_florist.svg" class="inline-block" />
class="flex md:flex-row flex-col md:items-center md:gap-[12px] w-full"
<span class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] w-fit max-w-[140px]">
<span class="md:block hidden">-</span>
<span class="text-[1rem] w-full"
>Product managers facilitation, Business sustainability
<AboutItem variant="secondary" title="GOALS">
<div class="flex md:flex-row flex-col gap-[32px]">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[16px]">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[4px]">
<span class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] uppercase">
<ul class="list-decimal ml-[18px]">
<li>Milions of educated users</li>
<li>Higher privacy culture</li>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[4px]">
<span class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] uppercase">
<ul class="list-decimal ml-[18px]">
<li>Better privacy features</li>
<li>New use-cases</li>
<li>Efficient demos</li>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[4px]">
<span class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] uppercase">
<ul class="list-decimal ml-[18px]">
<li>New “privacy audit” category</li>
<li>Significant growth of audited projects.</li>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[16px]">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[4px]">
<span class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] uppercase">
<ul class="list-decimal ml-[18px] w-full">
<li>More devs building privacy</li>
<li>More sustainable projects.</li>
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[4px] w-full">
<span class="font-bold text-white leading-[1rem] uppercase">
<ul class="list-decimal ml-[18px]">
<li>More privacy-oriented projects</li>
<li>Longer runway</li>
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
import * as config from "../config.yaml";
import core from "../core.json";
<div class="border-4 border-white w-full">
<div class="bg-white w-full text-center px-[16px] text-black">
<h3 style="color:black !important">
together we are stronger - support us via membership
<div class="grid md:grid-cols-2 grid-cols-1">
class="relative w-full md:border-l-4 border-l-0 md:border-b-0 border-b-4 border-white"
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[16px] p-[24px] z-[10]">
<div class="flex flex-col">
<span class="text-white font-bold">INDIVIDUAL</span>
<span class="leading-[1.4rem]"
>Become an integral part of our community! Join us with building
privacy platform we all need.</span
<ul class="list-disc ml-[18px] text-white">
<li>You are supporting good thing!</li>
<li>Free access to all our events</li>
<li>"Privacy Survival Kit" swag bundle</li>
<li>Access to our researches and special group chats</li>
<li>Deals from our partners</li>
<li>Voting rights in our association</li>
class="flex w-full md:justify-between md:flex-row flex-col gap-[8px] md:items-center"
<div class="flex flex-col">
<span class="text-white font-bold text-[18px] leading-[1.4rem]">
€100 / Year
<a class="button" href={core.links.manifesto}
><button>LEARN MORE</button></a
class="absolute right-0 bottom-0 z-[-1]"
class="relative w-full md:border-l-4 border-l-0 md:border-b-0 border-b-4 border-white"
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[16px] p-[24px] z-[10]">
<div class="flex flex-col">
<span class="text-white font-bold">ORGANISATION</span>
<span class="leading-[1.4rem]"
>Instead of proposing partnerships for every event and/or
we decided to implement a continuous membership
<ul class="list-disc ml-[18px] text-white">
<li>Visibility at our Summits, Meetups & Hackathons</li>
<li>Free Tickets & discounts for your partners</li>
Finding right builders for your beta, product to test or develop
<li>Speaking and mentoring opportunities</li>
<li>Raise awareness within specific inputs</li>
<li>Engage target audience</li>
class="flex w-full md:justify-between md:flex-row flex-col gap-[8px] md:items-center"
<div class="flex flex-col">
<span class="text-white font-bold text-[18px] leading-[1.4rem]">
Variable tiers
<a class="button" href={core.links.manifesto}
><button>LEARN MORE</button></a
class="absolute right-0 bottom-0 z-[-1]"
class="text-white md:text-center text-left w-full flex md:items-center justify-center mt-[24px]"
<span class="flex md:items-center items-start gap-[8px]">
<img src="/icons/gift.svg" alt="" class="md:mt-[0px] mt-[4px]" />
Or if you like our ideas and community you can privately donate via Ethereum
/ Bitcoin / Monero or support us on Gitcoin Grants
@ -53,10 +53,18 @@ hero:
text: |
text: |
Privacy advocates worldwide are coming together to discuss how to mainstream privacy within the Web3 industry. So it will become a cultural phenomenon embodying both decentralisation & anti-surveillance capitalism practices.
Privacy advocates worldwide are coming together to discuss how to mainstream privacy within the Web3 industry. So it will become a cultural phenomenon embodying both decentralisation & anti-surveillance capitalism practices.
merch: |
To make humans gain control over their privacy by utilizing Web3 stack. So privacy would become a cultural phenomena & active lifestyle.
research: |
We cultivate a culture of privacy in web3 making data free and public.
Enjoy our researches, infographics, annual reports, tools, newsletter, guidelines & more.
mission: |
mission: |
Empower individuals to take control of their digital privacy.
Empower individuals to take control of their digital privacy.
We envision a world where privacy is a conscious, actively chosen lifestyle, accessible to everyone, everywhere. To turn this into reality, we need to unite our efforts and carve out a path toward a more equitable, decentralized and privacy-respecting digital space.
We envision a world where privacy is a conscious, actively chosen lifestyle, accessible to everyone, everywhere. To turn this into reality, we need to unite our efforts and carve out a path toward a more equitable, decentralized and privacy-respecting digital space.
event: |
Our aim with gatherings is to build understanding and solidarity between different groups of interests, cultures, states, chains, ecosystems and backgrounds.
We aggregate web3 & non-tech people, builders, researchers, philosophers, lawyers, policymakers, hacktivists, key players, local communities and the general public.
- Identity
- Identity
- Private Messaging
- Private Messaging
@ -16,7 +16,9 @@
"explorer": "https://explorer.web3privacy.info",
"explorer": "https://explorer.web3privacy.info",
"news": "https://news.web3privacy.info",
"news": "https://news.web3privacy.info",
"telegram": "https://t.me/web3privacynow",
"telegram": "https://t.me/web3privacynow",
"cfp": "https://cfp.web3privacy.info"
"cfp": "https://cfp.web3privacy.info",
"signal": "https://signal.group/#CjQKILd3qhOu7_p8OB0bob3bU3Ko0jfgfxm9DK39oK1eiMe_EhA47ns-aCFke2YA3iMnuxqJ"
"teams": {
"teams": {
"core-team": [
"core-team": [
@ -1,147 +1,231 @@
//import { ViewTransitions } from 'astro:transitions';
//import { ViewTransitions } from 'astro:transitions';
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import * as config from "../config.yaml";
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import * as pkg from "../../package.json";
import core from '../core.json';
import core from "../core.json";
import '../styles/base.css';
import "../styles/base.css";
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import MetaTags from "../components/MetaTags.astro";
const {banner, title, metaTitle, description, image} = Astro.props;
const { banner, title, metaTitle, description, image, subtext, subimage } =
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function genHeading(str) {
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return cfonts.render(str + " ", { font: "", maxLength: 5000 }, null, null, {
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description={description ? description : config.description}
description={description ? description : config.description}
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config.header.menu.map((menuItem) => (
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? `background-image: url(${subimage}); background-size: cover; background-position: 0rem 0rem;`
: " "}
<div class="hidden lg:flex grow gap-0 xl:gap-2 justify-center">
{config.header.menu.map((menuItem) => (
typeof banner === "object"
<div class="uppercase hover:text-[#c2c2c2]" class:list={[menuItem.link ? "xexternal" : "", Astro.url.pathname === menuItem.url ? "text-white" : ""]}>
? "aspect-video"
<a href={core.links[menuItem.link] || menuItem.url} class="inline-block hover:underline px-4 py-2">
: banner
? "h-[600px]"
: "pb-6",
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typeof banner === "object" && (
<div class="absolute w-full aspect-video -z-10">
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menuItem.link ? "xexternal" : "",
Astro.url.pathname === menuItem.url ? "text-white" : "",
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class="inline-block hover:underline px-4 py-2"
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config.header.rightMenu.map((key) => (
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banner && typeof banner !== "object" && (
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<div class="text-left mt-10">{config.hero.text}</div>
<div class="mt-6">
<a class="button" href="/about">
<button>About Web3Privacy Now</button>
!banner && (
<div class="middle-pane-medium mt-8 sm:mt-14 mb-2 sm:mb-8">
<div class="leading-none flex justify-center text-[4px] sm:text-[8px] text-white">
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<code class="font-mono layout-heading ">
<div class="flex items-center justify-center w-full text-center">
<h3 class=" w-full max-w-[938px]">{subtext}</h3>
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{config.header.rightMenu.map((key) => (
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{banner && typeof banner !== 'object' &&
<div class="w-full flex mt-20 sm:mt-32 middle-pane-medium">
<div class="w3pn-logo w-64 sm:w-72 lg:w-80 xl:w-96"></div>
<div class="text-left mt-10">
<div class="mt-6">
<a class="button" href="/about"><button>About Web3Privacy Now</button></a>
{!banner &&
<div class="middle-pane-medium mt-8 sm:mt-14 mb-2 sm:mb-8">
<div class="leading-none flex justify-center text-[4px] sm:text-[8px] text-white">
{/*<img src="/page-events.png" class="h-8 sm:h-14" title="Events" />*/}
<pre><code class="font-mono layout-heading">{genHeading(title)}</code></pre>
<slot />
class="border border-t-2 border-b-0 border-l-0 border-r-0 border-[#0f0f0f] mt-20 pt-10 pb-10"
<div class="border border-t-2 border-b-0 border-l-0 border-r-0 border-[#0f0f0f] mt-20 pt-10 pb-10">
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<div class="flex gap-10 text-lg items-center flex-wrap align-top" id="footerMenu">
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class="flex gap-10 text-lg items-center flex-wrap align-top"
<div class="text-md"><a href="https://github.com/web3privacy/web" class="text-white hover:underline">v{pkg.version}</a></div>
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<div class="sm:flex justify-center flex-wrap gap-4 lg:gap-10">
<a href="/" class="w3pn-logo w-32"></a>
{config.footer.menu.map((item) => (
<div class="text-md">
<div class="flex gap-4 items-center menuItem lg:mb-0 mb-2">
<div class="icon small opacity-50" class:list={[item.ico]}></div>
<div class="text-white hover:underline"><a href={item.url || core.links[item.link]}>{item.title}</a></div>
class="text-white hover:underline">v{pkg.version}</a
<div class="grow flex sm:justify-end">
<div class="sm:flex justify-center flex-wrap gap-4 lg:gap-10">
config.footer.menu.map((item) => (
<div class="flex gap-4 items-center menuItem lg:mb-0 mb-2">
document.querySelector('.hamburger').addEventListener('click', () => {
class="icon small opacity-50"
<div class="text-white hover:underline">
<a href={item.url || core.links[item.link]}>
document.querySelector(".hamburger").addEventListener("click", () => {
@ -3,9 +3,16 @@ import BaseLayout from "../layouts/base.astro";
import * as config from "../config.yaml";
import * as config from "../config.yaml";
import core from "../core.json";
import core from "../core.json";
import AboutFooter from "../components/AboutFooter.astro";
import AboutFooter from "../components/AboutFooter.astro";
import AboutItemGrid from "../components/AboutItemGrid.astro";
import AboutWidget from "../components/AboutWidget.astro";
<BaseLayout title="About" image="og_about">
title="About web3privacy"
subtext="we are privacy focused community of enthusiasts developers, event organisers, researchers pushing web3privacy forward"
<div class="middle-pane-medium mt-10">
<div class="middle-pane-medium mt-10">
<!-- <div class="mb-20">
<!-- <div class="mb-20">
<a href="https://docs.web3privacy.info/manifesto"
<a href="https://docs.web3privacy.info/manifesto"
@ -13,27 +20,89 @@ import AboutFooter from "../components/AboutFooter.astro";
</div> -->
</div> -->
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 xl:grid-cols-2 gap-16">
<div class="grid grid-cols-1 xl:grid-cols-2 gap-16 mb-[82px]">
<div class="flex flex-col gap-[36px] md:order-2">
<h1>Our mission</h1>
<div class="md:hidden block mb-[12px]">
<div set:html={config.landing.mission} />
<h1>Our mission</h1>
<div class="mt-8 flex gap-6 items-center w-full">
<div set:html={config.landing.mission} />
<a class="button inverted" href={core.links.manifesto}
<div class="mt-8 flex gap-6 items-center w-full">
><button>Read manifesto</button></a
<a class="button inverted" href={core.links.manifesto}
><button>Read manifesto</button></a
<a class="button" href={core.links.manifesto}
><button>Join us</button></a
<a class="button" href={core.links.manifesto}
><button>Join us</button></a
<h1>how we support privacy in web3</h1>
<AboutItemGrid />
<div class="md:order-1 order-2">
<div class="md:block hidden">
<div class="columns-2 uppercase text-sm w3pn-topics">
<h1>Our mission</h1>
{config.landing.topics.map((topic) => <div>{topic}</div>)}
<div set:html={config.landing.mission} />
<div class="mt-8 flex gap-6 items-center w-full">
<a class="button inverted" href={core.links.manifesto}
><button>Read manifesto</button></a
<a class="button" href={core.links.manifesto}
><button>Join us</button></a
<div class="md:mt-[56px] mt-[26px]">
<h1>our events</h1>
<div set:html={config.landing.event} />
<div class="mt-8 flex flex-col gap-6 items-start w-full">
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-[8px]">
<img src="/about/1.png" alt="" />
<img src="/about/2.png" alt="" />
<img src="/about/3.png" alt="" />
<img src="/about/4.png" alt="" />
<a class="button inverted" href={"/events"}
<div class="md:mt-[56px] mt-[26px]">
<h1>Our Projects & research</h1>
<div set:html={config.landing.research} />
<div class="mt-8 flex gap-6 items-center w-full">
<a class="button inverted" href={"/projects"}
<a class="button inverted" href={"/research"}
<!-- <div>
<div class="columns-2 uppercase text-sm w3pn-topics">
{config.landing.topics.map((topic) => <div>{topic}</div>)}
</div> -->
<AboutWidget />
class="flex md:flex-row flex-col items-center gap-[24px] justify-center w-full mt-[24px]"
<div class="md:mt-[56px] mt-[26px] max-w-[460px] md:order-1 order-2">
<h1>empowering community with our brand</h1>
<div set:html={config.landing.merch} />
<div class="mt-8 flex gap-6 items-center w-full">
<a class="button inverted" href={"/merch"}
><button>MERCH STORE</button></a
<div class="md:order-2 order-1">
<img src="/about/stickers.png" alt="" />
<AboutFooter />
<AboutFooter />
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import BaseLayout from "../layouts/base.astro";
import * as config from "../config.yaml";
import core from "../core.json";
import AboutFooter from "../components/AboutFooter.astro";
import AboutWidget from "../components/AboutWidget.astro";
<div class="middle-pane-medium my-10">
class="flex items-center justify-center w-full text-center mt-20 mb-20"
<h3 class="max-w-[900px] w-full">
for all privacy advocates, projects and companies, we offer a simple and
straightforward way to support us financially and become an integral
part of our ecosystem with many benefits.
<AboutWidget />
<AboutFooter />