This commit is contained in:
burningtree 2023-02-23 13:29:55 +00:00
parent 171dfb990f
commit f747c016ba
9 changed files with 147 additions and 136 deletions

View File

@ -611,12 +611,14 @@ table.table-custom{
color: rgb(255 255 255 / 0.7);
.person-item:hover .table-custom th, .topic-item:hover .table-custom th{
.person-item:hover .table-custom th,
.topic-item:hover .table-custom th{
--tw-text-opacity: 1;
color: rgb(0 0 0 / var(--tw-text-opacity));
.table-custom tbody tr:hover td, .table-custom tbody tr:hover td span{
.table-custom tbody tr:hover td,
.table-custom tbody tr:hover td span{
--tw-bg-opacity: 1;
background-color: rgb(255 255 255 / var(--tw-bg-opacity));
--tw-text-opacity: 1;
@ -658,7 +660,10 @@ table.table-custom{
filter: var(--tw-blur) var(--tw-brightness) var(--tw-contrast) var(--tw-grayscale) var(--tw-hue-rotate) var(--tw-invert) var(--tw-saturate) var(--tw-sepia) var(--tw-drop-shadow);
.person-item:hover .text-mild, .person-item:hover .text-supermild, .topic-item:hover .text-mild, .topic-item:hover .text-supermild{
.person-item:hover .text-mild,
.person-item:hover .text-supermild,
.topic-item:hover .text-mild,
.topic-item:hover .text-supermild{
--tw-text-opacity: 1;
color: rgb(0 0 0 / var(--tw-text-opacity));

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { _ } from "./_layout-ec1eec0a.js";
import { default as default2 } from "../components/pages/_layout.svelte-0e951dcf.js";
import { default as default2 } from "../components/pages/_layout.svelte-095ba0b3.js";
export {
default2 as component,
_ as universal

View File

@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
import { default as default2 } from "../components/pages/_page.svelte-56f4eeeb.js";
import { default as default2 } from "../components/pages/_page.svelte-5005bd11.js";
export {
default2 as component

View File

@ -7539,8 +7539,16 @@ async function handleAnchorClick(event) {
behavior: "smooth"
function animateSection(interval = 50) {
return (el) => {
for (const e of"animate-section")) {
animateText({ target: e }, interval);
export {
SvelteMarkdown as S,
animateText as a,
animateSection as b,
handleAnchorClick as h

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { S as SvelteComponent, i as init, s as safe_not_equal, D as create_slot, k as element, a as space, q as text, E as svg_element, x as create_component, l as claim_element, m as children, h as detach, c as claim_space, r as claim_text, F as claim_svg_element, y as claim_component, G as src_url_equal, n as attr, b as insert_hydration, H as append_hydration, z as mount_component, I as listen, u as set_data, J as update_slot_base, K as get_all_dirty_from_scope, L as get_slot_changes, f as transition_in, t as transition_out, d as check_outros, M as destroy_each, A as destroy_component, N as run_all, o as onMount, C as noop, g as group_outros } from "../../chunks/index-a23f1e07.js";
import { S as SvelteMarkdown, a as animateText, h as handleAnchorClick } from "../../chunks/helpers-52e0076b.js";
import { S as SvelteMarkdown, a as animateText, h as handleAnchorClick, b as animateSection } from "../../chunks/helpers-27ee569e.js";
const app = "";
function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
@ -462,7 +462,7 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
div7 = element("div");
span = element("span");
t7 = text(t7_value);
t8 = text(" @ ");
t8 = text(" @\n ");
a1 = element("a");
t9 = text(t9_value);
t10 = space();
@ -557,7 +557,7 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
var span_nodes = children(span);
t7 = claim_text(span_nodes, t7_value);
t8 = claim_text(div7_nodes, " @ ");
t8 = claim_text(div7_nodes, " @\n ");
a1 = claim_element(div7_nodes, "A", { href: true, target: true, class: true });
var a1_nodes = children(a1);
t9 = claim_text(a1_nodes, t9_value);
@ -689,7 +689,7 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
attr(a5, "href", a5_href_value = "" + /*data*/
attr(a5, "class", "text-2xl no-underline hover:underline external");
attr(a5, "class", "text-2xl no-underline hover:underline external animate-section");
attr(a5, "target", "_blank");
attr(div14, "class", "");
attr(div15, "class", "mt-4 text-mild");
@ -777,7 +777,8 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
listen(div6, "mouseenter", animateText)
listen(div6, "mouseenter", animateText),
listen(div14, "mouseenter", animateSection())
mounted = true;

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { S as SvelteComponent, i as init, s as safe_not_equal, e as empty, b as insert_hydration, f as transition_in, g as group_outros, d as check_outros, t as transition_out, M as destroy_each, h as detach, k as element, a as space, q as text, l as claim_element, m as children, c as claim_space, r as claim_text, G as src_url_equal, n as attr, H as append_hydration, I as listen, u as set_data, x as create_component, y as claim_component, z as mount_component, A as destroy_component, _ as head_selector, N as run_all } from "../../chunks/index-a23f1e07.js";
import { a as animateText, S as SvelteMarkdown } from "../../chunks/helpers-52e0076b.js";
import { a as animateText, S as SvelteMarkdown, b as animateSection } from "../../chunks/helpers-27ee569e.js";
import { l as client } from "../../chunks/singletons-a9453c75.js";
function get_each_context$1(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
@ -381,32 +381,32 @@ client.before_navigate;
function get_each_context(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[4] = list[i];
child_ctx[3] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
function get_each_context_1(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[7] = list[i];
child_ctx[6] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
function get_each_context_2(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[10] = list[i];
child_ctx[9] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
function get_each_context_3(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[13] = list[i];
child_ctx[12] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
function get_each_context_4(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[16] = list[i];
child_ctx[15] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
function get_each_context_5(ctx, list, i) {
const child_ctx = ctx.slice();
child_ctx[10] = list[i];
child_ctx[9] = list[i];
return child_ctx;
function create_each_block_5(ctx) {
@ -414,7 +414,7 @@ function create_each_block_5(ctx) {
let div0;
let t0_value = (
ctx[10].title.toUpperCase() + ""
ctx[9].title.toUpperCase() + ""
let t0;
let t1;
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ function create_each_block_5(ctx) {
let dispose;
sveltemarkdown = new SvelteMarkdown({ props: { source: (
) } });
return {
c() {
@ -470,25 +470,20 @@ function create_each_block_5(ctx) {
append_hydration(div2, t2);
current = true;
if (!mounted) {
dispose = listen(
dispose = listen(div2, "mouseenter", animateSection(35));
mounted = true;
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if ((!current || dirty & /*data*/
1) && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*ti*/
ctx2[10].title.toUpperCase() + ""))
ctx2[9].title.toUpperCase() + ""))
set_data(t0, t0_value);
const sveltemarkdown_changes = {};
if (dirty & /*data*/
sveltemarkdown_changes.source = /*ti*/
i(local) {
@ -594,7 +589,7 @@ function create_if_block_4(ctx) {
let current;
sveltemarkdown = new SvelteMarkdown({ props: { source: (
) } });
return {
c() {
@ -622,7 +617,7 @@ function create_if_block_4(ctx) {
if (dirty & /*data*/
sveltemarkdown_changes.source = /*pi*/
i(local) {
@ -648,7 +643,7 @@ function create_each_block_4(ctx) {
let td0;
let raw_value = (
ctx[16].time.split("-").map(func_2).join('<div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div>') + ""
ctx[15].time.split("-").map(func_2).join('<div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div>') + ""
let td0_class_value;
let t0;
@ -657,15 +652,15 @@ function create_each_block_4(ctx) {
let span;
let t1_value = (
ctx[16].title + ""
ctx[15].title + ""
let t1;
let span_class_value;
let t2;
let t3_value = (
ctx[16].speakers ? "― " + /*pi*/
((_a = ctx[16].speakers[0]) == null ? void 0 : : ""
ctx[15].speakers ? "― " + /*pi*/
((_a = ctx[15].speakers[0]) == null ? void 0 : : ""
let t3;
let t4;
@ -675,7 +670,7 @@ function create_each_block_4(ctx) {
let dispose;
let if_block = (
ctx[16].desc && create_if_block_4(ctx)
ctx[15].desc && create_if_block_4(ctx)
return {
c() {
@ -722,9 +717,9 @@ function create_each_block_4(ctx) {
h() {
attr(td0, "class", td0_class_value = "text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 " + /*pi*/
(ctx[16].type === "other" ? "text-mild" : ""));
(ctx[15].type === "other" ? "text-mild" : ""));
attr(span, "class", span_class_value = "animate-section " + /*pi*/
(ctx[16].type === "other" ? "text-mild" : ""));
(ctx[15].type === "other" ? "text-mild" : ""));
attr(div, "class", "text-xl");
attr(td1, "class", "text-left");
attr(tr, "class", "");
@ -746,12 +741,7 @@ function create_each_block_4(ctx) {
append_hydration(tr, t5);
current = true;
if (!mounted) {
dispose = listen(
dispose = listen(tr, "mouseenter", animateSection(35));
mounted = true;
@ -759,30 +749,30 @@ function create_each_block_4(ctx) {
var _a2;
if ((!current || dirty & /*data*/
1) && raw_value !== (raw_value = /*pi*/
ctx2[16].time.split("-").map(func_2).join('<div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div>') + ""))
ctx2[15].time.split("-").map(func_2).join('<div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div>') + ""))
td0.innerHTML = raw_value;
if (!current || dirty & /*data*/
1 && td0_class_value !== (td0_class_value = "text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 " + /*pi*/
(ctx2[16].type === "other" ? "text-mild" : ""))) {
(ctx2[15].type === "other" ? "text-mild" : ""))) {
attr(td0, "class", td0_class_value);
if ((!current || dirty & /*data*/
1) && t1_value !== (t1_value = /*pi*/
ctx2[16].title + ""))
ctx2[15].title + ""))
set_data(t1, t1_value);
if (!current || dirty & /*data*/
1 && span_class_value !== (span_class_value = "animate-section " + /*pi*/
(ctx2[16].type === "other" ? "text-mild" : ""))) {
(ctx2[15].type === "other" ? "text-mild" : ""))) {
attr(span, "class", span_class_value);
if ((!current || dirty & /*data*/
1) && t3_value !== (t3_value = /*pi*/
ctx2[16].speakers ? "― " + /*pi*/
((_a2 = ctx2[16].speakers[0]) == null ? void 0 : : ""))
ctx2[15].speakers ? "― " + /*pi*/
((_a2 = ctx2[15].speakers[0]) == null ? void 0 : : ""))
set_data(t3, t3_value);
if (
) {
if (if_block) {
if_block.p(ctx2, dirty);
@ -829,7 +819,7 @@ function create_each_block_3(ctx) {
let div0;
let t0_value = (
ctx[13].name + ""
ctx[12].name + ""
let t0;
let t1;
@ -847,7 +837,7 @@ function create_each_block_3(ctx) {
let current;
let each_value_4 = (
let each_blocks = [];
for (let i = 0; i < each_value_4.length; i += 1) {
@ -946,12 +936,12 @@ function create_each_block_3(ctx) {
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if ((!current || dirty & /*data*/
1) && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*stage*/
ctx2[13].name + ""))
ctx2[12].name + ""))
set_data(t0, t0_value);
if (dirty & /*animateSection, data*/
3) {
1) {
each_value_4 = /*stage*/
let i;
for (i = 0; i < each_value_4.length; i += 1) {
const child_ctx = get_each_context_4(ctx2, each_value_4, i);
@ -998,7 +988,7 @@ function create_each_block_2(ctx) {
let li;
let t_value = (
ctx[10] + ""
ctx[9] + ""
let t;
return {
@ -1019,7 +1009,7 @@ function create_each_block_2(ctx) {
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if (dirty & /*data*/
1 && t_value !== (t_value = /*ti*/
ctx2[10] + ""))
ctx2[9] + ""))
set_data(t, t_value);
d(detaching) {
@ -1032,7 +1022,7 @@ function create_if_block_3(ctx) {
let div;
let t_value = (
ctx[7].note + ""
ctx[6].note + ""
let t;
return {
@ -1058,7 +1048,7 @@ function create_if_block_3(ctx) {
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if (dirty & /*data*/
1 && t_value !== (t_value = /*tt*/
ctx2[7].note + ""))
ctx2[6].note + ""))
set_data(t, t_value);
d(detaching) {
@ -1073,7 +1063,7 @@ function create_if_block_2(ctx) {
let current;
sveltemarkdown = new SvelteMarkdown({ props: { source: (
) } });
return {
c() {
@ -1101,7 +1091,7 @@ function create_if_block_2(ctx) {
if (dirty & /*data*/
sveltemarkdown_changes.source = /*tt*/
i(local) {
@ -1127,7 +1117,7 @@ function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
let a0;
let t0_value = (
ctx[7].title + ""
ctx[6].title + ""
let t0;
let a0_href_value;
@ -1136,7 +1126,7 @@ function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
let a1;
let t2_value = (
ctx[7].price + ""
ctx[6].price + ""
let t2;
let a1_href_value;
@ -1151,7 +1141,7 @@ function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
let dispose;
let each_value_2 = (
let each_blocks = [];
for (let i = 0; i < each_value_2.length; i += 1) {
@ -1159,11 +1149,11 @@ function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
let if_block0 = (
ctx[7].note && create_if_block_3(ctx)
ctx[6].note && create_if_block_3(ctx)
let if_block1 = (
ctx[7].hint && create_if_block_2(ctx)
ctx[6].hint && create_if_block_2(ctx)
return {
c() {
@ -1260,17 +1250,12 @@ function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
current = true;
if (!mounted) {
dispose = [
listen(div2, "mouseenter", animateSection(40)),
mounted = true;
@ -1279,7 +1264,7 @@ function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if ((!current || dirty & /*data*/
1) && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*tt*/
ctx2[7].title + ""))
ctx2[6].title + ""))
set_data(t0, t0_value);
if (!current || dirty & /*data*/
1 && a0_href_value !== (a0_href_value = /*data*/
@ -1288,7 +1273,7 @@ function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
if ((!current || dirty & /*data*/
1) && t2_value !== (t2_value = /*tt*/
ctx2[7].price + ""))
ctx2[6].price + ""))
set_data(t2, t2_value);
if (!current || dirty & /*data*/
1 && a1_href_value !== (a1_href_value = /*data*/
@ -1298,7 +1283,7 @@ function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
if (dirty & /*data*/
1) {
each_value_2 = /*tt*/
let i;
for (i = 0; i < each_value_2.length; i += 1) {
const child_ctx = get_each_context_2(ctx2, each_value_2, i);
@ -1317,7 +1302,7 @@ function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
if (
) {
if (if_block0) {
if_block0.p(ctx2, dirty);
@ -1332,7 +1317,7 @@ function create_each_block_1(ctx) {
if (
) {
if (if_block1) {
if_block1.p(ctx2, dirty);
@ -1486,7 +1471,7 @@ function create_each_block(ctx) {
let div0;
let t0_value = (
ctx[4].title + ""
ctx[3].title + ""
let t0;
let t1;
@ -1498,7 +1483,7 @@ function create_each_block(ctx) {
let dispose;
sveltemarkdown = new SvelteMarkdown({ props: { source: (
) } });
return {
c() {
@ -1542,25 +1527,20 @@ function create_each_block(ctx) {
append_hydration(div2, t2);
current = true;
if (!mounted) {
dispose = listen(
dispose = listen(div2, "mouseenter", animateSection(15));
mounted = true;
p(ctx2, dirty) {
if ((!current || dirty & /*data*/
1) && t0_value !== (t0_value = /*fi*/
ctx2[4].title + ""))
ctx2[3].title + ""))
set_data(t0, t0_value);
const sveltemarkdown_changes = {};
if (dirty & /*data*/
sveltemarkdown_changes.source = /*fi*/
i(local) {
@ -1726,7 +1706,7 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
let each_blocks_2 = [];
@ -1863,7 +1843,7 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
l(nodes) {
const head_nodes = head_selector("svelte-1v6y0me", document.head);
const head_nodes = head_selector("svelte-1xuttk2", document.head);
meta0 = claim_element(head_nodes, "META", { name: true, content: true });
meta1 = claim_element(head_nodes, "META", { name: true, content: true });
meta2 = claim_element(head_nodes, "META", { name: true, content: true });
@ -2235,7 +2215,7 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
if (dirty & /*animateSection, data*/
3) {
1) {
each_value_5 = /*data*/
let i;
@ -2308,11 +2288,11 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
if_block1 = null;
if (dirty & /*data, animateSection*/
3) {
1) {
each_value_3 = /*data*/
let i;
for (i = 0; i < each_value_3.length; i += 1) {
@ -2343,7 +2323,7 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
ctx2[0].config.ticketsIntro + ""))
set_data(t22, t22_value);
if (dirty & /*data, animateSection, goto*/
3) {
1) {
each_value_1 = /*data*/
let i;
@ -2396,7 +2376,7 @@ function create_fragment(ctx) {
if_block3 = null;
if (dirty & /*animateSection, data*/
3) {
1) {
each_value = /*data*/
let i;
@ -2520,20 +2500,13 @@ const func_1 = (s) => s.program;
const func_2 = (x) => x;
function instance($$self, $$props, $$invalidate) {
let { data } = $$props;
function animateSection(interval = 50) {
return (el) => {
for (const e of"animate-section")) {
animateText({ target: e }, interval);
const func = (s) => ({ ...s, program: data.config.program[] });
const click_handler = () => data.config.ticketing ? goto(data.config.ticketingUrl) : false;
$$self.$$set = ($$props2) => {
if ("data" in $$props2)
$$invalidate(0, data = $$;
return [data, animateSection, func, click_handler];
return [data, func, click_handler];
class Page extends SvelteComponent {
constructor(options) {

View File

@ -900,9 +900,9 @@ const __vitePreload = function preload(baseModule, deps, importerUrl) {
const matchers = {};
const nodes = [
() => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/0-414c17c0.js"), true ? ["./chunks/0-414c17c0.js","./chunks/_layout-ec1eec0a.js","./components/pages/_layout.svelte-0e951dcf.js","./chunks/index-a23f1e07.js","./chunks/helpers-52e0076b.js","./assets/_layout-3600b1e8.css"] : void 0, import.meta.url),
() => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/0-3e0a209e.js"), true ? ["./chunks/0-3e0a209e.js","./chunks/_layout-ec1eec0a.js","./components/pages/_layout.svelte-095ba0b3.js","./chunks/index-a23f1e07.js","./chunks/helpers-27ee569e.js","./assets/_layout-ec57f635.css"] : void 0, import.meta.url),
() => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/1-0968ece7.js"), true ? ["./chunks/1-0968ece7.js","./components/error.svelte-dfa3fa2b.js","./chunks/index-a23f1e07.js","./chunks/singletons-a9453c75.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url),
() => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/2-3c202581.js"), true ? ["./chunks/2-3c202581.js","./components/pages/_page.svelte-56f4eeeb.js","./chunks/index-a23f1e07.js","./chunks/helpers-52e0076b.js","./chunks/singletons-a9453c75.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url)
() => __vitePreload(() => import("./chunks/2-1ec84c46.js"), true ? ["./chunks/2-1ec84c46.js","./components/pages/_page.svelte-5005bd11.js","./chunks/index-a23f1e07.js","./chunks/helpers-27ee569e.js","./chunks/singletons-a9453c75.js"] : void 0, import.meta.url)
const server_loads = [];
const dictionary = {

View File

@ -1 +1 @@

View File

@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width" />
<meta name="theme-color" content="#000000" />
<meta http-equiv="content-security-policy" content="">
<link href="./_app/immutable/assets/_layout-3600b1e8.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/start-b716cb93.js">
<link href="./_app/immutable/assets/_layout-ec57f635.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/start-4369ff6f.js">
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/chunks/index-a23f1e07.js">
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/chunks/singletons-a9453c75.js">
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/components/pages/_layout.svelte-0e951dcf.js">
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/chunks/helpers-52e0076b.js">
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/components/pages/_layout.svelte-095ba0b3.js">
<link rel="modulepreload" href="./_app/immutable/chunks/helpers-27ee569e.js">
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@ -36,7 +36,8 @@
<div class="w-full h-screen" id="intro"><div class="w-full h-full flex items-center text-center"><div class="mx-auto px-4"><div class="text-5xl md:text-8xl font-bold mb-4 md:mb-8 animation-crypt">WEB3PRIVACY SUMMIT #1</div>
<div class="text-3xl md:text-5xl md:mb-4 uppercase"><span class="">5. June 2023</span> @ <a href="" target="_blank" class="underline hover:no-underline">X10, Prague</a></div>
<div class="text-3xl md:text-5xl md:mb-4 uppercase"><span class="">5. June 2023</span> @
<a href="" target="_blank" class="underline hover:no-underline">X10, Prague</a></div>
<div class="mt-8 text-lg text-mild mx-4"><p class="">Diving into the culture of the Web3 privacy industry</p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" class="underline hover:no-underline external external-mild">Prague Blockchain Week 2023</a></p></div></div></div></div>
@ -113,41 +114,53 @@
<tbody><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 "><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->9:00 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 9:30<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Registration &amp; networking</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Registration &amp; networking</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 "><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->9:30 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 9:35<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Welcome to Web3Privacy</span> ― TBA</div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Welcome to Web3Privacy</span>
― TBA</div>
<div class="mt-2 text-base description text-mild markdown"><p>Welcoming visitors to our private-centric research, community and conference</p>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 "><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->9:35 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 10:55<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Talks I. - TBA</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Talks I. - TBA</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 text-mild"><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->10:55 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 11:20<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">25min Coffee Break</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">25min Coffee Break</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 "><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->11:25 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 12:40<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Talks II. - TBA</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Talks II. - TBA</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 text-mild"><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->12:40 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 14:00<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">Lunch &amp; Networking</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">Lunch &amp; Networking</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 "><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->14:00 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 15:40<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Talks III. - TBA</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Talks III. - TBA</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 text-mild"><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->15:40 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 16:05<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">25min Coffee Break</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">25min Coffee Break</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 "><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->16:10 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 18:30<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Talks IV. - TBA</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Talks IV. - TBA</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 "><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->18:30 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 18:35<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Closing Remarks</span> ― TBA</div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Closing Remarks</span>
― TBA</div>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 text-mild"><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->18:30 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 20:00<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">Networking &amp; Drinks</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">Networking &amp; Drinks</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 "><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->20:00 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 4:00<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">#Lunarpunk party</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">#Lunarpunk party</span>
<div class="mt-2 text-base description text-mild markdown"><p>Enjoy our afterparty in Lunarpunk style with quality Prague rave DJs, which will take place in the same venue until the morning (4am).</p>
@ -158,25 +171,32 @@
<tbody><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 "><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->09:35 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 10:55<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Workshops I. - TBA</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Workshops I. - TBA</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 text-mild"><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->10:55 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 11:20<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">25min Coffee Break</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">25min Coffee Break</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 "><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->11:25 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 12:40<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Workshops II. - TBA</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Workshops II. - TBA</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 text-mild"><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->12:40 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 14:00<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">Lunch &amp; Networking</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">Lunch &amp; Networking</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 "><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->14:00 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 15:40<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Workshops III. - TBA</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Workshops III. - TBA</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 text-mild"><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->15:40 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 16:05<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">25min Coffee Break</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section text-mild">25min Coffee Break</span>
</tr><tr class=""><td class="text-right time xl:whitespace-nowrap sm:w-16 xl:w-36 "><!-- HTML_TAG_START -->16:10 <div class="xl:inline-block hidden mx-1">-</div> 18:30<!-- HTML_TAG_END --></td>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Workshops IV.</span> </div>
<td class="text-left"><div class="text-xl"><span class="animate-section ">Workshops IV.</span>
@ -222,19 +242,19 @@
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<div class="mt-4 text-mild"><p>💛 Collaboration of <a href="">Web3Privacy Now</a> &amp; <a href="">ETHBrno</a> team</p></div>
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