import { join } from ""; import { ensureDir } from ""; import { existsSync } from ""; const DATA_DIR = "./data"; const imgDir = "./web/public/img"; await ensureDir(imgDir); // get images for (const { name: year } of Deno.readDirSync(DATA_DIR)) { for (const { name: fn } of Deno.readDirSync(join(DATA_DIR, year))) { const week = fn.match(/^week(\d+)/)?.[1]; if (!week) continue; const yearWeek = `${year}-${week}`; const imgn = `${yearWeek}?${new Date().valueOf()}`; const outputFn = join(imgDir, `${yearWeek}.png`); if (existsSync(outputFn)) continue; console.log('Processing:', imgn); await genImage(imgn, outputFn); } } // make cover const coverFn = join(imgDir, "cover.png"); if (!existsSync(coverFn)) { await genImage(``, coverFn); } console.log("Done"); // --------- async function genImage(url, fn) { const imgResp = await fetch("", { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify({ url, format: "png", width: 1920, height: 960, }), headers: { "content-type": "application/json", } }); if (imgResp.body) { const file = await, { write: true, create: true }); await imgResp.body.pipeTo(file.writable); console.log(`Image written: ${fn}`); } }