--- curator: Tree --- Welcome to our historically **first edition** (#1) of [Week In The Privacy News](https://news.web3privacy.info/). ## The journey begins At the end of each week, you'll find here a **curated round-up of the most important news and announcements related to privacy in the Web3**. But not only that - we also aim to cover related topics such as freedom, security and decentralisation. This newsletter is produced by the people around the [Web3Privacy Now](https://web3privacy.info/) initiative. We are passionate about privacy and through many activities such as research, education or IRL events we try to connect people with the same interests or spread these ideas to the wider public. Like all our other activities, this newsletter is fully [open-source](https://github.com/web3privacy/news) and community-based, so open to anyone to participate. If you want to contribute a news item that should not be missing in the next issue - we would be happy if you send us a tip in our [News channel on Matrix](https://matrix.to/#/%23w3p-news:gwei.cz), or add the news item directly to the [repository on GitHub](https://github.com/web3privacy/news). **Your help is crucial for us**, because this newsletter should reflect exactly what is important for *you* - what *you* enjoy or what *you* are worried about. Help us shape future editions in the right direction! You can learn more about the Week in the Privacy News concept in [our documentation](https://docs.web3privacy.info/news/week-in-the-privacy). We hope you will like our concept, but for now, enough talk and let's get to the news... -- Tree --- ## Feb 5 - Feb 11, 2024 ### Research * [Week in the Privacy News](https://news.web3privacy.info/): new weekly summary of the most important news from ecosystem * Pavol Lupták: [Brave is not a true privacy-oriented browser](https://twitter.com/wilderko/status/1755724309371158612) * Zac Williamson: thread about visions of a [dystopian future when we fail](https://twitter.com/Zac_Aztec/status/1755309412435259657) * Wired: [experience with Passkeys](https://web.archive.org/web/20240211021321/https://www.wired.com/story/stopped-using-passwords-passkeys/#intcid=_wired-tag-right-rail_be4cde38-940c-4c15-8796-37cb1513d6ae_popular4-1) ### Ecosystem * Logos, Nomos, Waku, Codex, Status and others now federated under the [Institute of Free Technology](https://free.technology/) * Binance [Will Delist XMR](https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/binance-will-delist-ant-multi-vai-xmr-on-2024-02-20-f73b083ba6834771b07dbe5319917ae5) on 2024-02-20 ([src](https://twitter.com/wilderko/status/1754857029892538430)) * [Binance delisting sparks privacy concerns](https://archive.is/20240209130053/https://www.ft.com/content/971ac694-f250-412c-9fe0-f956378a751a): Financial Times article on Monero delisting * [Brave Nightly support Zcash](https://twitter.com/brave/status/1756138102395973834) in their integrated wallet (only unshielded transactions for now) * WalletConnect launches Web3Modal Analytics, showing that they [doesn't mind tracking own users](https://twitter.com/hazae41/status/1755379493609374113) * Session team announced upcoming [upgrade from Oxen Network to Session Network](https://getsession.org/upgrading-to-session-network) * Skiff was [acquired by Notion](https://twitter.com/skiffprivacy/status/1756093174806974831) and will wind down its services in 6 months ([src](https://twitter.com/gweicz/status/1756110645064306703)) ### Releases * Brume Wallet [v0.5](https://github.com/brumewallet/wallet/releases/tag/v0.5.0): UI enhancements, faster startup, cleaner onboarding ### Podcasts * [War on privacy in Web3?](https://www.podpage.com/epic-web3-podcast/war-on-privacy-in-web3-with-zach-williamson-co-founder-ceo-at-aztec-protocol/): with Zach Williamson, CEO at Aztec Protocol * [Function of privacy in DeFi](https://twitter.com/therollupco/status/1755052382633787690): @robbie_rollup and Lou Waroo from Houdini Swap, crosschain DEX and liquidity agreggator * [Drama is the Prime Indicator of Decentralisation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLJ1DYdae7o&t=1050s): with Dr. Nick Almond from Factory DAO ([src](https://twitter.com/wuipod/status/1756743521296347418)) ### Community * [DAO Privacy](https://twitter.com/i/spaces/1ZkKzjvBLXwKv): X space with Gnosis Guild, Safe, Shutter Network, ShapeShift & Fractal ([src](https://twitter.com/fractalappxyz/status/1753886789402575131)) ### Other * Defunkt: The co-founder and former CEO of GitHub has been [banned from GitHub](https://twitter.com/defunkt/status/1754610843361362360) (without explanation) ([src](https://twitter.com/vpavlin/status/1754792610898587700)) * Citrea: [Bitcoin's first ZK Rollup](https://www.blog.citrea.xyz/introducing-citrea/) ([src](https://twitter.com/citrea_xyz/status/1754883284893356368)) * [Liberation Travel Hacks 02/2024](https://liberation.travel/?mailpoet_router&endpoint=view_in_browser&action=view&data=WzEwLCI0ZjU4NjA1ZWIxMzQiLDAsMCw1LDFd) from Liberation Travel ([subscribe](https://liberation.travel/new-liberation-travel-hacks-month-letter/)) * Canada moves to [ban Flipper Zero](https://gizmodo.com/canada-moves-to-ban-the-flipper-zero-over-car-hacking-f-1851242790) over car hacking fears ([src](https://twitter.com/wilderko/status/1756719463406211357)) --- ## Upcoming events * Feb 20, [Binance delisting Monero](https://www.binance.com/en/support/announcement/binance-will-delist-ant-multi-vai-xmr-on-2024-02-20-f73b083ba6834771b07dbe5319917ae5) * Apr 10, [zkSummit](https://www.zksummit.com/) (Athens) conference * Apr 12-14, [ETHDam](https://www.ethdam.com/) hackathon * May 24-26, [ETHBerlin](https://ethberlin.org/) hackathon * May 30, [Web3Privacy Now Summit](https://web3privacy.info/events/) (Prague) conference * Jun 7-9, [MoneroKon](https://monerokon.org/) (Prague) conference & hackathon * Jun 19-26, [Web3Privacy Now Hackathon](https://web3privacy.info/events/) (Bled) * Oct 4-6, [Hackers Congress Paralelní Polis (HCPP)](https://hcpp.cz/) (Prague) conference * Oct, [Web3Privacy Now Summit](https://web3privacy.info/events/) (Brno) conference * Oct, [ETHBrno](https://ethbrno.cz/) hackathon Do you know of any other major Web3 privacy-related event that should be included in this list? [Let us know](https://matrix.to/#/#w3p-news:gwei.cz)! --- [Sign up](https://paragraph.xyz/@privacynews/subscribe) to receive this newsletter weekly.