W3P: 3
  Title: Privacy features audit concept for security audit organizations & whitehackers (research)
  Status: preparation
  Type: Research
  Created: 2023-10-01
## Contents - [Context](#Context) - [Privacy features to audit](#Privacy-features) - [Additional](#Additional) # Context Research on how private web3-solutions are used within the Ukrainian-Russian war (with a focus on privacy-protecting currencies like Zcash). It covers both free & occupied Ukrainian territory & Russia. Where even a "like, share or tweet" is enough for prosecution. Meaning that privacy is the way for freedom of speech protection. # Privacy features | Feature | Observation | | Selected privacy technology maturity | latest, old etc | | Selected privacy technology delivery | state of the privacy tech: test-net, poor code execution etc | | Default privacy | enabled, not | | Privacy policies (data collection policies) | what data is collected & why; marking non-essential data collection practices | | Non-consent data collection practices | IP, wallet, balance etc | | Anonymous set | data "profile" service reveal about you | | Third-party privacy tech maturity | If service is a part of ecosystem - security audit company comments on core tech privacy (Ethereum, Waku) | | Traceability | How traceable are transactions | # Additional | Feature | Observation | | Privacy risk | low, medium, high |