**Phases** 1: Existing web3/crypto privacy narration research. 2: Handbook for web3 privacy advocacy. ## Phase 1 Delivery: research on industry narration around privacy from media coverage to professional opinions. **Goal**: - to map down privacy storytelling within the industry - to cover privacy narration & web3/crypto within external agents - structure framing, biases, vocabulary - make a foundation for a re-framing **Areas of interest**: internal gaze 1. How media frame privacy. 2. Differences within expert takes on privacy. 3. Existing privacy-centric vocabulary. 4. Privacy advocates comms directions. **external gaze** 1. How media & governments frame privacy. 2. What privacy biases exists. **Approach** Traditional media studies approach that researches both quantitative & qualitative narrations around subject. **Categorised within** - positive, negative, neutral framing filters (tonality) - vocabulary segmentation - relations within framing (Tornado Cash + North Korean hackers) - quantitative statistics - privacy agents map (roles, relation to industry, pro / anti status) - text-based, visual content ## Phase 2 Delivery: actionable handbook for privacy advocacy. Details: research will help to make actionable handbook for privacy advocacy rooted in re-framing existing toxic storytelling. Moreover, it will give instruction & positive narrations to sceptics (like Aztec co-founder stating that people don't need privacy). Think of this as a "privacy brandbook". **Goal**: - have a easy to execute document for various audiences to become privacy advocates - fact & stats accuracy helps to unify storytelling within multiple agents: media, experts, community - helps to raise awareness about state of privacy storytelling within industry & beyond **Format**: - GitHub wiki - PDF