diff --git a/w3p-01.md b/w3p-01.md index 9fcfbe9..8a5703c 100644 --- a/w3p-01.md +++ b/w3p-01.md @@ -68,18 +68,17 @@ Recent number of laws on “foreign agents”, “on countermeasures in response | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- |------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- | | Journalist | Independent journalist performs his work to highlight. | 1.Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). | Means for survival | 1.Censorship-resistance 2. Untracebility. | 1.Decreese tracking. 2. Safer browsing. | 1. Protect sensitive information. 2. Decrease info leakage. | 1. Protect sensitive information. 2. Keep information censorship resistant. | | Volunteer | Under extreme pressure from law enforcement agents & constant surveillence. | 1. Protect project teams from surveillance & data leakage. 2. Provide means for survival. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | -| Activist | TBD | 1. Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | -| Politician | TBD | 1. Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | -| Military | TBD | 1. Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | +| Activist | Human-rights activists are under constant surveillance. Cases covers broad activism (not just resistance movements): domestic violence AIDS/HIV community or even psychological help. | 1. Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | +| Politician | Oppositional politicians or even leading party representators that dissagree with pro-war politics are regularly fined or monitored by FSB. Oppositional activities are highly censored in the media (excluding anonymous Telegram channels & owned media managed from abroad). | 1. Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | +| Military | Many russian military members send privately sensitive military data to Ukrainian side. At the same time they share anti-Russian or military condition sentiment to relatives or media. | 1. Protect communication with family members & Ukrainian sources. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). | - | + | + | + | + | | LGBTQI+ | On 24th of november 2022 Russian parlament passed a law on LGBTQI+ propaganda [ban](https://meduza.io/news/2022/11/24/gosduma-prinyala-zakon-o-polnom-zaprete-propagandy-lgbt). This covers previous & new content from socials to the songs. Community centers, LGBTQI+ rights activists, Telegram groups or pages on socials (including subscribers & followers) are in danger of high fines & law enforcement surveillence. | 1. Protect community from persecution. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect emotional support network. 4. Provide ability for research beyond the firewall (for both educational & emmigration reasons). | + | + | + | + | + | | Ethnical minorities | Live under constant surveillance & additional law enforcement pressure. Moreover, their members are among the first to participate in the war (including forcing Crimean Tatars to fight against Ukrainians). | 1. Protect community from surveillance 2. Provide means for survival & culture preservation. 3. Provide tools for access information beyond the government firewall | + | + | + | + | + | -| Researchers | TBD | 1. Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | +| Researchers | Academics are under police pressure. Social media are monitored, cellural data aggregated, lectures recorded. | 1. Provide ability to glimpse over the firewall. 2. Protect communication with foreign institutions & NGOs. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). | - | + | + | + | + | | Civil society orgs | Need 100% privacy of both communication & donations. Moreover, there's a high need of team protection from administrative personel to leaders. [Protestniy MGU](https://novaya.media/articles/2022/08/29/protestnyi-mgu-stal-tiuremnym) is an explicit example of the legal prosecution against Telegram micro-media. Important note: many organisations were dependend on government donors & now they are cut from this financial source (experience extreme lack of money). | 1. Protect organizational processes & people from exposure. 2. Provide means for sustainable development. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). | + | + | + | + | + | -| DAOs | TBD | 1. Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | -| Religious minorities | ([Jehovah’s Witnesses example](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-01-03/russian-jehovahs-witnesses-asylum-san-diego) | 1. Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | +| Religious minorities | Are actively prosecuted for extremism. [Jehovah’s Witnesses example](https://www.latimes.com/california/story/2023-01-03/russian-jehovahs-witnesses-asylum-san-diego). Protestants, catolics reguralry have police visits to their churches. | 1. Protect communication with foreign partners. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | | Families of political prisoners | TBD | 1. Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | | Media | Media are actively censored, framed as a "foreign agents", because of their influence role within society. [Proekt](https://www.proekt.media), [Mediazona](https://en.zona.media), [Important stories](https://istories.media/en/) | 1. Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | -| Donors | TBD | 1. Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | +| Donors | Have huge pressure from surveillance apparatus: covering both "sender" & "receiver". "Foreign agent" label could be apply to every side. Moreover, donating to a foreign agent could lead to high fines & further administrative pressure. | 1. Protect identity. | + | - | - | + | - | | Civil society orgs | TBD | 1. Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + | | Teachers | Teachers are highly censored & surveiled. They are ment to promote propaganda. Western education, especially within diversity & inclusion is highly unwelcome. Even small simpathy for Ukraine could lead to school expulsion. | 1. Get access beyond state firewall. 2. Get anonimous access to anti-censored educational materials. 3. Protect communication with foreign colleagues. | + | + | + | + | + | | Enterpreneurs | Collaboration with "non-friendly" countries could lead to external business pressure & it's shutdown. | 1. Protect communication. 2. Provide means for survival & sustainable activities. 3. Protect sensitive data (documents). 4. Protect support network. | + | + | + | + | + |