# Web3Privacy Now Data Repository Structured database for Web3Privacy Now. # Database https://data.web3privacy.info/ # Schema specification | Field | Type | Required | Description | |------------------------|-----------------------|----------|-------------| | id | string | x | | | name | string | x | Name of the project | | categories | array | x | Categories defined by web3privacy research | | ecosystem | string | | Build on network (e.g., Cosmos, Ethereum) | | product_readiness | string | | State of development (e.g., Alpha, Beta, Mainnet, Testnet) | | security | string | | Security details | | have_token | boolean | | Does the project have a token? | | token_link | string uri | | Link to the token contract | | tokens | array | | Native tokens of the project (e.g., TORN, SCRT) | | description | string | | Short description of project features and mission | | project_type | string | | Main purpose of the project (e.g., ZK Pool mixer, Privacy transactions) | | product_launch_day | string | | Date of the project announcement | | technology type | string | | Category of privacy tech (e.g., ZK, PHE) | | technology name | string | | Name of privacy tech (e.g., Ultramix3000, ZK-EVM) | | technology features | array | | Key aspects of the privacy tech used (e.g., Non-traceable, Account Abstraction) | | links web | string uri | | Official project website | | links twitter | string uri | | Project's Twitter profile | | links discord | string uri | | Project's Discord server | | links blog | string uri | | Project's Blog (e.g., Medium) | | links facebook | string uri | | Project's Facebook page | | links bloc_explorer | string uri | | Project's or Network's Block Explorer | | links whitepaper | string uri | | Link to the project's whitepaper | | links github | string uri | | Link to the project's GitHub repository | | links docs | string uri | | Link to project documentation | | links changelog | string uri | | Link to changelog | | links forum | string uri | | Link to project forum (e.g., Discourse) | | links snapshot | string | | Link to Snapshot | | links lens | string | | Link to project's Lens | | links farcaster | string | | Link to Farcaster | | links rss_feed | string uri | | Link to a stream of articles related to the project | | blockchain_features p2p | boolean | | Is the project Peer to Peer-based or enabling such a feature? | | blockchain_features encryption | string | | Encryption algorithm (e.g., 256-bit, SHA) | | blockchain_features network | string | | Networks securing assets | | blockchain_features upgradability enabled | boolean | | Is the project upgradable or immutable? | | blockchain_features upgradability type | string | | Upgradability type (e.g., Governance, Admin keys) | | blockchain_features upgradability admin_keys | string | | Upgradability condition definition (e.g., Multisign of 5, 80% consensus) | | licenses | string | | Licenses used (e.g., MIT License, GGML) | | privacy_policy defined | boolean | | Is there a document defining privacy policies? | | privacy_policy link | string uri | | Link to the privacy policy | | privacy_policy data_usage | string | | How is the project using your data? (e.g., Selling data, Analytics) | | team anonymous | boolean | | Is the project developed by an anonymous team? | | team teammembers name | string | | Member's name | | team teammembers role | string | | Member's role | | team teammembers link | string uri | | Member's social link | | team company name | string | | Name of the development company | | team company link | string uri | | Official link to the development company | | team company contacts | string | | Official mail/phone of the development company | | storage decentralized | boolean | | Is any part of used data stored decentraly? | | traceability tracked_data | string | | What data is the project tracking (e.g., Address, Name, Phone, IP) | | traceability kyc | boolean | | Is KYC required for product usage? | | traceability sign_in_type_requirments | string | | What Sign-in information is required to use the project (e.g., Wallet, Email, Gitcoin Pass) | | third_party_dependency | string | | What third-party technological dependencies does the project have? (e.g., Uniswap hack, USDC stability) | | compliance | string | | Does the project comply with any official blacklists? (e.g., OFAC, Hacker_wallet_list) | | audits name | string | | Name of the project audit | | audits company | string | | Company that processed the project audit | | audits logo | string | | Logo of the audit company | | audits link | string uri | | Official link to the audit company website | | audits time | string | | Date of the audit | | social_trust | string | | Is there any social dependency that the project has (e.g., Governance, CEO, Community) | | technical_spof | string | | Is there any technical single point of failure? (e.g., Pool hack, Bridge malfunction) | | history title | string | | Title of events/news related to the project | | history event_type | string | | Type of event (e.g., Product release, Hack announcement) | | history description | string | | Description of the event | | history time | string | | Time of the event | | history link | string uri | | Link to more information about the event | | client_diversability name | string | | Name of the client (e.g., Wallet name, Bridge name) implementing the project | | client_diversability link | string uri | | Link to the client's website | | default_privacy | boolean | | Is privacy applied by default or must it be turned on? | | funding name | string | | Name of the investor | | funding type | string | | Type of investment | | funding link | string uri | | Link for more information about the investment | | funding value | string | | Value of the investment | | funding time | string | | Date of the investment | | project_status live_status | boolean | | Is the project currently functioning? | | project_status version | string | | Name of the latest version | | project_status testnet | boolean | | Does the project have a running testnet? | | project_status mainnet | boolean | | Is the mainnet running? | # License Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL)