import { emptyDir } from ""; import { ensureDir } from ""; import { W3PData } from "./w3pdata.js"; const w3pd = new W3PData(); await w3pd.init(); const outputDir = "./dist"; try { await emptyDir(outputDir); } catch {} for (const p of { if (!p.logos) { continue } for (const asset of p.logos) { const src = `${p._path}/${asset.file}` const destDir = `${outputDir}/assets/projects/${}` const dest = `${destDir}/${asset.file}` await ensureDir(destDir) await Deno.copyFile(src, dest); console.log(`${src} -> ${dest}`) } } const bundleFn = `${outputDir}/index.json`; const out = {} for (const key of Object.keys( { const arr = [] if (key === 'projects') { for (const p of[key]) { delete p._path arr.push(p) } } out[key] = arr } await Deno.writeTextFile(bundleFn, JSON.stringify(, null, 2)); console.log(`Bundle writed: ${bundleFn}`);