import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'; import starlight from '@astrojs/starlight'; // export default defineConfig({ site: '', integrations: [ starlight({ title: 'Web3Privacy Now Docs', social: { github: '', twitter: '', }, logo: { src: './public/logo.png', replacesTitle: true }, editLink: { baseUrl: '', }, lastUpdated: true, favicon: '/favicon.ico', customCss: [ './src/styles/custom.css' ], sidebar: [ { label: 'Introduction', link: '/' }, { label: 'About us', items: [ // Each item here is one entry in the navigation menu. { label: 'Manifesto', link: '/manifesto' }, { label: 'Roadmap', link: '/roadmap' }, { label: 'History', link: '/history' }, { label: 'Brand', link: '/brand' }, { label: 'Contact us', link: '/contacts' }, ], }, { label: '🔬 Research', collapsed: true, autogenerate: { directory: 'research' }, }, { label: '🗓️ Events', collapsed: true, autogenerate: { directory: 'events' }, }, { label: '🏗️ Projects', items: [ // Each item here is one entry in the navigation menu. { label: 'Privacy Explorer 👁️', link: '/projects/privacy-explorer' }, { label: 'Week in the Privacy 📰', link: '/news/week-in-the-privacy' }, { label: 'Privacy Tech Awards 🏆', link: '/projects/privacy-tech-awards' }, { label: 'Privacy Academy 👩‍🏫', link: '/projects/privacy-academy' }, ], }, { label: 'Ecosystem', items: [ { label: 'Follow us', link: '/follow-us' }, { label: 'Get involved', link: '/get-involved' }, { label: 'Donate', link: '/donate' }, { label: 'Partnerships', link: '/partnerships', }, { label: 'Communication tools', link: '/communication' }, { label: 'Code of conduct', link: '/code-of-conduct' }, ] }, { label: 'For contributors', items: [ { label: 'Contributors guide', link: '/contributors' }, { label: 'Workgroups', link: '/workgroups' }, { label: 'Git repositories', link: '/git' }, { label: 'Guide: how to deploy event website', link: '/contributors/deploy-event-website' }, ] }, { label: 'Shared resources', collapsed: true, badge: { text: 'wip' }, items: [ { label: 'Developers', link: '/resources/developers' }, { label: 'Community outreach', link: '/resources/outreach' }, { label: 'Funding', link: '/resources/funding' }, { label: 'Design', link: '/resources/design' }, { label: 'IT Infrastructure', link: '/resources/it-infrastructure' }, { label: 'Partners', link: '/resources/partners' }, { label: 'Training and Education', link: '/resources/training-education' }, { label: 'Legal assistance', link: '/resources/legal-assistance' }, ] }, { label: 'Governance', items: [ { label: 'Structure', link: '/governance' }, { label: 'Core Team', link: '/core-team' }, { label: 'Core Contributors', link: '/core-contributors' }, { label: 'Treasury', link: '/treasury' }, ] } ], }), ], });