
This commit is contained in:
tree🌴 2023-11-10 16:44:26 +01:00
parent 931e69da7b
commit c21b4d1c08
1 changed files with 40 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -2,4 +2,43 @@
sidebar_position: 2
# Manifesto
# Manifesto
**Web3privacy now** is a is a research project aimed at discovering, highlighting, and analyzing privacy-preservation services and startups within the Web3 space.
![alt text](
# Not every privacy has been empowered equally.
Connected humans are commodified & surveil 24/7 without even realizing it.
Web3 industry has a unique chance to promote data, privacy & security literacy. Becoming a lifelong educational partner for humans.
Knowledge is a key to returning agency to humans in a hyperconnected world.
# How
- **Educate**: Facilitate education via frameworks, 101 master classes, lectures & guides (for both general & tech public)
- **Research**: Build foundation blocks for the industry: standards, projects' database, best practices, ethics
- **Partner**: Outreach journalists, institutions, researchers, white hackers, and data economy academics & engage them in private topics
- **Workspace**: Promote privacy as a work of the future top-of-mind career choice in web3
- Facilitate a community around web3 privacy
- Contribute to industrial reports & surveys
- Initiate new hackathons, lectures, and events for builders & product managers
- Amplify knowledge sharing between privacy companies
- Connect traditional data & privacy experts with web3 leaders
- Support products that preserve privacy
- Advocate for an open-source development
- Promote humanistic UX/UI-culture
- Support cutting-edge R&D projects
# **Ultimate goal**
**To make humans gain control over their privacy by utilizing Web3 stack.**
_So privacy would become a conscious choice (active lifestyle) & be accessible to everyone worldwide._