import { Engine } from "./engine.js"; import { join } from "jsr:@std/path@0.224.0/path/mod.ts"; import { exists } from "jsr:@std/path@0.224.0/fs/exists.ts"; const engine = new Engine(); await engine.init(); const FORMAT = 'png'; async function genImage (destFn, url, element) { console.log(`Getting ${url} (${element}) (dest=${destFn})`) const file = await fetch("", { method: 'POST', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }, body: JSON.stringify({ url, element, format: FORMAT, scale: 4, //quality: 100, }) }); if (file.body) { const fileOutput = await, { write: true, create: true }); await file.body.pipeTo(fileOutput.writable); console.log(`File written: ${destFn}`) } } // events const DEST_DIR = './src/events/_images'; const eventFormats = [ 'square', 'wide-square', 'wide', 'poster', 'poster-simple' ] for(const event of { if (! { continue } const year =^(\d{4})/)[1] const design = for (const format of eventFormats) { const destFn = join(DEST_DIR, year, `${}-${format}.${FORMAT}`); if (await exists(destFn)) { console.log(`${destFn} existing, skipping ..`) continue; } await genImage( destFn, `${}&img=${design.image}`, `#img-${format}` ); } }