import { run } from ""; import { join } from ""; import { emptyDir } from ""; async function optimizeDir (dir, sizes) { await emptyDir(join(dir, 'thumbs')) for await (const f of Deno.readDir(dir)) { const [ name, ext ] ='.') if (!['jpg', 'jpeg', 'png'].includes(ext)) { continue; } console.log(`processing: ${name}`) const explain = await run(`identify ${join(dir,}`); const [ _, format, resolution ] = explain.split(' ') const [ width, height ] = resolution.split('x').map(c => Number(c)) for (const size of Object.keys(sizes)) { const sizeConf = sizes[size]; const outputFn = join(dir, 'thumbs', `${name}-${size}.webp`) let resize = `-resize ${sizeConf.width} ${Math.round(height/(width/sizeConf.width))}`; if (width <= sizeConf.width) { resize = ''; } //console.log(outputFn, resolution, resize) await run(`cwebp ${join(dir,} -o ${outputFn}${resize ? ' '+resize : ''}`) console.log(`File writted: ${outputFn}`) } } } await optimizeDir('./src/people/_images', { '64px': { width: 64 }, '128px': { width: 128 }, '400px': { width: 400 } }) const eventSizes = { '128px': { width: 128 }, '360px': { width: 360 }, '640px': { width: 640 } } await optimizeDir('./src/events/_images/2023', eventSizes) await optimizeDir('./src/events/_images/2024', eventSizes) //console.log(await run('ls'))