import { join } from ""; import { emptyDir } from ""; import { parse, stringify } from "npm:yaml"; import { exists } from ""; import { copy } from ""; const SRC_DIR = "./src"; const DEST_DIR = "./dist"; const SCHEMA_DIR = "./schema"; export class Engine { constructor() { this.index = {}; this.db = {}; this.schemas = {}; } async init() { // load schemas for await (const dirEntry of Deno.readDir(SCHEMA_DIR)) { const [fn, _] ="."); this.schemas[fn] = await readYamlFile(join(SCHEMA_DIR,; } // load this.index = await readYamlFile(join(SRC_DIR, "index.yaml")); this.rendered = await this.render(this.index); } async loadDir(src, opts = {}, full = {}) { const out = {}; const dir = join(SRC_DIR, src); console.log(`reading dir=${dir}`); if (await exists(join(dir, "index.yaml"))) { const out = await readYamlFile(join(dir, "index.yaml")); if (opts.loader === "events") { // check speaker connection & load event images for (const ev of out) { if (ev.speakers) { for (const spId of ev.speakers) { if (!full.people.find((p) => === spId)) { throw new Error(`Speaker not exists: ${spId} (event ${})`); } } } // load events images const year =^(\d{4})/)[1]; const yearDir = join(dir, '_images', year); if (!await exists(yearDir)) { continue } const images = {} for await (const ie of Deno.readDir(yearDir)) { const [id, ext] ="."); if (id.match(new RegExp(`^${}-`))) { const imgName = id.split('-').slice(1).join('-') images[imgName] = `${year}/${id}.${ext}`; } } ev.images = images ev.thumbs = {} // scan for thumbnails if (!await exists(join(yearDir, "thumbs"))) { continue } for await (const ti of Deno.readDir(join(yearDir, "thumbs"))) { const [name, ext] ='.') //console.log(name, `^${}-(.+)-(\\d+)px$`) const match = name.match(new RegExp(`^${}-([\\w\\d-]+)-(\\d+)px`)); if (!match) { continue } const thumbKey = match[2] const imageKey = match[1] ev.thumbs[[ imageKey, thumbKey.replace('px', '')].join(':')] = `${year}/thumbs/${}-${imageKey}-${thumbKey}px.${ext}` } } } return out; } let images = []; if (await exists(join(dir, "_images"))) { for await (const ie of Deno.readDir(join(dir, "_images"))) { const [id, ext] ="."); images.push({ id, ext }); } } const arr = []; for await (const dirEntry of Deno.readDir(dir)) { const [fn, ext] ="."); if (!ext && !fn.startsWith("_")) { const obj = Object.assign( { id: fn }, await this.loadDir(join(src, fn), opts, full), ); arr.push(obj); } if (ext === "yaml" && fn !== "index") { const item = Object.assign( { id: fn }, await readYamlFile(join(dir,, ); if (opts.loader === "person") { // load image const img = images.find((i) => === fn); if (img) { item.imageUrl = `${}.${img.ext}`; item.thumbs = {} // scan for thumbnails for await (const ti of Deno.readDir(join(dir, "_images", "thumbs"))) { const [name, ext] ='.') const split = name.split('-') const thumbKey = split[split.length-1] const sid = split.slice(0, split.length-1).join('-') if ( === sid) { item.thumbs[thumbKey.replace('px', '')] = `${}-${thumbKey}.${ext}` } } } } arr.push(item); } } return arr; } async render(src) { const out = {}; for (const key of Object.keys(src)) { const val = src[key]; if (typeof val === "object" && val.$load) { out[key] = await this.loadDir(val.$load, val.$opts, out); continue; } out[key] = val; } return out; } async build() { await emptyDir(DEST_DIR); //await writeJSONFile(join(DEST_DIR, "index.json"), this.index); // copy images await emptyDir(join(DEST_DIR, "img")); await copy( join(SRC_DIR, "people", "_images"), join(DEST_DIR, "img", "people"), ); // copy event images await copy( join(SRC_DIR, "events", "_images"), join(DEST_DIR, "img", "events"), ); await writeJSONFile( join(DEST_DIR, "index.json"), Object.assign({}, this.rendered), ); /*for (const col of Object.keys(this.db)) { await writeJSONFile(join(DEST_DIR, `${col}.json`), this.db[col]); }*/ } } async function readYamlFile(fn) { return parse(await Deno.readTextFile(fn)); } async function writeJSONFile(fn, data) { console.log(`File written: ${fn}`); return Deno.writeTextFile(fn, JSON.stringify(data, null, 2)); }